Interactive excel vba tutorial
Interactive excel vba tutorial

interactive excel vba tutorial
  1. Interactive excel vba tutorial how to#
  2. Interactive excel vba tutorial download#

  • Replace chart title with “Total Order Quantity in last 13 months” or something like that.
  • Select the pivot chart and go to Analyze ribbon and turn off Field Buttons.
  • But I find the pivot table first approach better as you can adjust items you want before charting. In newer versions of Excel, you can insert a pivot chart directly from data. Select any cell inside the pivot and go to Analyze ribbon > Pivot chart. Related: Introduction to Excel Pivot Tables
  • Right click on Product and add it as a slicer.
  • In newer versions of Excel, this will create date hierarchy – Year, Quarter and Month. Select your data (month, product and quantity columns) and insert a pivot table. If you need help, read: Unpivot data quickly with Power Query. Keep in mind that your data needs to get fit. This works very well and let’s you make equally amazing interactive charts. If you are too shy to INDEX + MATCH on weekdays, you can try the Pivot Table approach. Interactive chart with Pivot Table and Slicer
  • Now, when you pick a new product from Q5, your chart will update.
  • Remove fill color from the shape and adjust the line.
  • Go to Insert > Shapes > Rounded Rectangle and draw a nice big rectangle around the chart and Q5.
  • Position the chart under cell Q5 (the data validation selection cell).
  • We just need to bring everything together and our first interactive chart will be kicking and beating. We end up with something like this:Īre you ready for the chart? We are almost done. Now, remove chart title and chart border (set it to no line). Edit horizontal / category labels and select the month column. Right click on the chart and go to select data. We get this:įirst, let’s add axis labels. Simply select picked product column and insert a column or line chart. Now that all the background work is done, let’s insert a chart. Now that we have calculated product quantity values for selected product, if you change I3, you will see values for the relevant product. Given this, we can calculate picked product’s quantity using a simple INDEX your data is in a normal range, rather than a table, use a formula like this: Now, assume we have the number of product selected in cell I3. Step 4: Calculating order quantity to show in the chart

    interactive excel vba tutorial

    This will return a number, matching the product user has picked. Type this MATCH formula in an empty cell like I3. For this, we can use MATCH formula, like below. For the rest of calculations, we need the number of the product (ie what is the position of the selected product in products). If we want the name of the product selected, we can simply use =Q5. Step 3: Find out which product is selected

    Interactive excel vba tutorial how to#

    Related: Excel basics – How to setup in-cell drop downs in Excel. Now, we have way to select product in the cell Q5. Change validation criteria to Allow > List.Select the cell and go to Data > Data Validation. Decide which cell will have the user selection.Let’s say we have the products in the products name. Alternatively, you can also list the product names in a separate range and give that a name.Select all the product names and go to Namebox (top left corner) and type a name like products.You want to make a dynamic or interactive chart so your boss can choose which product she wants to analyze and understand the order trend.

    interactive excel vba tutorial

    Making one chart with all of this is going to be very busy and hard to read. You are looking at historical order quantity data for various products. Let’s say you are the product manager at Billette consumer care. For other techniques, refer to resources section of this post. In this tutorial, learn how to make an interactive chart with data validation and slicers. You can use data validation, form controls, slicers, timelines, VBA or hyperlinks. There are several ways to make an interactive chart in Excel.

    Interactive excel vba tutorial download#

    In this tutorial, learn all about making your very first interactive chart.Ĭlick here to download the workbook with chart template and all the formulas. Ever wanted to make a cool, snazzy interactive chart in Excel? Something like this:

    Interactive excel vba tutorial